Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I have had a very exciting and tiring Feb. Hence the lack of posting.

The cliff note version - I have taken voluntary redundancy from my work. I no longer work for Sensortec. That chapter of life is over after 12 years!. It has been a long and emotional few weeks, with all sorts of stuff that I can't blog about. So apologies, hopefully I will be back to posting more regularly.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Magic Mushroom

Check out the hidden forest web site. It is where these pictures should link to.

fungi are really cool !

It is one of the pleasures of nurturing the environment that we have been living in for the last 7 years - is to see the development of diversity of fungi that was not here at all when we moved in.

When we moved in it was a dry and cracked wind swept plan. Now we get a bunch of fungi species. The Ink cap or shaggy ink cap (see pic above) appeared under some agapanthus the other day. The change so quick from day to day.

We have had common basket fungi develop out by the trampoline much to the delight of the children.

Also puff balls close to the drive way

And we have fungi growing of the untreated wood around the front. Like these types but smaller in size and not so nice colored

There was some big ones out the front that were about the size of small tea dishes kind of like these ones, however they were different!

I think it is due to the diversity of plants and trees we have planted, and likely due to the sawdust that we have also used a lot of in the last few years. We have seen a lot more fungi and mushrooms since we have put this sawdust down. It comes from untreated private mill and is a mixture of all sorts of trees, jobs and locations. Therefore it is likely to contain a bunch of spores. Or maybe they have come on the wind or via the birds. Anyway however they get here they are a welcome addition to our home.

BTW: Do check out Hidden Forest cause the guy is a great guy, and has heaps of really neat photos (no doubt I have broken a bunch of copyright law by using via a link to his photos, via this blog, but I am sure that it will be OK)