Sunday, December 31, 2006

extremely funny dyslexic video

This is so funny !

Love the proof reading :) enjoy

Book started again

Started my book writing again. It feels great to be making progress again

Also yesterday was a OK day, and today has been a good day
(The first for a few weeks)

Life is good

Friday, December 29, 2006

God giggled

God Giggled

It was the first Christmas and…

God giggled
God farted
God burped
God gurgled
God needed a cuddle
God was a baby…

Christmas reminds us:

That we don’t have to find God – he finds us in our humanity –
We don’t have to go up - he came down
We find God in the physical, in our bodies, in material, in humanity.
God became one of us….

Thanks to James Hawes for that poem

Super spirituality

Well no actually. But had to think of a resonable test.

This is a test link to Tall Skinny Kiwi and Hamo the two blogs I read daily - and find very enjoyable. Have been playing around with technocrati and this is a bit of test.

It didn't work..... So I will try it again soon. Sorry to clog the blog with clutter. Just trying to figure this all out. Anyway here is something really cool from a recent blog from Andrew

hole in my foot

While working at the section stepped in a nail hidden in the long grass. Ouch !!!! Al the way through the boot and into me. Fortunately I had a first aid kit in the car and patched it up and kept going until I had finished the job.

Today I am convalescing as it hurts to walk on, likely due to the bruising more than the cut.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cool visual thing

Very very cool (visual thingy)

7 wonders prt 2 (The Great Eastern)

The Great Eastern was the first one we watched built 1859

time. It was 5 times larger than anything anyone had ever seen.Key points - the guy was a dreamer extraordinare. Needed 4 hours sleep a day (you thought that your go go gadget child didn't need much sleep). This ship was 50-100 year ahead of its It also had a two hull design and when it hit a rock that made a hole bigger than titanic's hole (it was about the same size) it didn't even care! This two hole design came compulsory in 1950's due to it safety. It was 5 times bigger than anything anyone had built to that time, and its size would not be equaled for another 50 years.

Ironically because it was so advanced people had no use for it! It could sale fast, quick and long distances but people were not into that for another 50 years. So it got scrapped 30 years later.

Isn't it ironic. Yet another example of a dreamer who was not believed in his time.

7 wonders prt 1

Currently watching the seven wonders of the industrial world made by the BBC (see here and there)

Really enjoying it :) It is a drama just like you where there. They have made a modern documentary like the building off a modern building. Except of course they are actors playing the parts of the real people. And using computer stuff to show things in construction.

Currently watched the first three episodes, which are:

  • The Great Eastern
  • The Bell Rock Lighthouse
  • The Brooklyn Bridge
What has stuck me is that all three "inventory's / designers / drivers of the projects" were dreamers. That is they show the classic dreamer styles of thinking and working.

This is cool - cause I am a dreamer, and a engineer type person. So very inspirational.

Will be uploading further comments.

Agricultural age vs Information age - parables

On Wednesday we spent the day in a retired couples garden. They are green fingered but due to his wrists giving out and her back/neck issues they struggle to garden like the used to. That must but very difficult to cope with!

Anyway I enjoy gardening so it was a labor of love for us. One of the things about gardening is it gives me the time to think. Today I thought about Jesus and the stories he told.

He really did live in a agricultural age. Cause most of his stories involved Shepards, sheep, goats, grain, wine etc. Now in modern day NZ, these stories are not relate able at all. We were driving home past a flock of goats got me thinking about sheep and goat sorting. This flock is milked and the milk sold. And we don't get sheep around the Waikato very much.

Trying to reinterrate the stories I got thinking about what I use daily - technology, Internet and such like.

So the sheep/goat sorting at the end of the age could be re interperated. We could say at the end of the age that the useful software will be separated from the trogens and spyware. However this would only make sense to the IT literate ones. Thus not being a general storie

Therefore could the parables center around cars? Clothes? Work?
Maybe the parable of the sower would be said like this today:

A man was unemployed so he went looking for a job. He knocked on many doors of companies looking for a job. Some of the people he talked to, he got a straight out no. Other people he talked gave a positive response, and was told to come back in a day or to when the details had been sorted out. However when he went back there was a not job, because the busyness of life had overcome the important task of getting the details sorted out so there was no job. Other people he talked to said come and work on a free trial. So he did, however because the company could not afford to pay him, and no extra money came in, he never got paid, so that job withered up. However one door he knocked on was very productive, he got offered a job, and the job suited his calling and abilities in life. Therefore he was blessed, he was a blessing to his employer, his work colleges and his family, and became well paid. All this far outwayed the time and effort he put into finding a job by 100 to 1000 fold.

Now this is a story that most people will relate to. I think that we need to celebrate the reinterpretation of the stories to maintain there relevance (or train a people in agricultural age stuff!)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Daughter dreamer questions

My wonderful daughter who is teaching me more about being a dreamer.

I got asked the very good question today at bedtime. One of her favorite things today was playing with spring things that pop up into the air after you sick them down (bad explanation, couldn't find a picture on the web)

"Dad why when things go up in the air do they come down"

Very perceptive for a 6 year old. The answer was of course that God made a thing called gravity, and that gravity is a force that pulls everything back to earth.

No I am waiting for the next logical question - why don't airplanes fall and why doesn't the moon fall. However being a dreamer she probably will not connect this for a while :)

BTW - encase you are wondering in my definitions all dyslexics or dys whatever's are dreamers. Not all dreamers are dyslexics. eg I have a friend who is a dreamer no signs of any dys---- at all (makes me sick!). Once you get good at spotting dreamers you can then see if they are dys---- anything and most of the type they will have something (normally undiagnosed).

Anyway so we will see what kind of challenges, if any, my wonderful Victoria will have :)

Section clean up (tuesday) drama's

The last post showed the cleaned up section.

What is did give was the drama's around it.

Firstly the tip was closed. Tiffany did confirm they were open the Tuesday after Christmas, but apparently this is the Tuesday after boxing day i.e. Two Tuesdays after Christmas.

You guessed it - we found this out after we had borrowed a car from mum and dad, rented a trailer fulled it with rubbish, found the tip and driven there.

I would like to think I was the loving, kind and thoughtful husband who was full of grace. Well no - grumpy b#$%&$# I was. After the melt down we decided to drop it of on the rubbish pile on the farm. Thus we had to travel 1/2 hour one way back home, and back. Thus doing this two times added an extra 2 hours to the job!

Anyway we ran into timing troubles with the car. Brother X wanted it, and had told brother Y who was with me get it back about 7, now it was going to be back about 7:45. Brother Y and X have texting conversation and it's OK. Now wife phones Dad, he is kind of annoyed but say's they will cope. However good diligent wife tries to confirm this - gets mum who on a good day is well organized - on a bad is a control freak - it wasn't a good day. So we had to cut short the exercise to complete it in the morning. (Wed)

Anyway why do I say all that? Well firstly negative emotion causes bad sleep, bad sleep causes depression. So I went to bed with lots negative emotion - a tip closed (minor) conflict with parents/family (major). Therefore no sleep for David last night.

Secondly I have come to the conclusion that my folks relate to us as adults when all is going well and as children when it is not. This sucks. Thus when treated like a child buy your parents you tend to fit into that mold. Anyway this results in loosing my voice - a key part of my depression.

Thus leading to the point of the post the link between my dyslexia and the black dog of depression. I feel that I lost my voice, my ability to speak up and be heard, the ability to speak what is on my heart and mind with confidence and shore belief that I was right is saying what is going on was lost in my childhood due to my dyslexia. That is my depression is closed linked to the experiences of me as a dyslexic.

What happened to loose my voice. For a number of reasons. One being that I think and feel different things to others. Therefore I soon learned to shut my mouth about my thoughts and emotions cause they would either be trodden upon or ridiculed. Therefore play ones cards close to ones chest. This must has started really early one cause I can remember doing this from about when I started school!

Anyway hopefully I will recover my mental health enough and plan a strategy to help me deal with negative situations like above . Better go now

Comments closed on this one.

Section clean up (Tuesday)

You can see below 3 photos I took the day before we took possession of our section

We are very great full for the horse cause it did a great job of getting the grass down to a manageable size

Anyway the section now looks much cleaner! This is after two days work. Tuesday we took 2 loads of rusty, burny, nappy, broken glass etc from the rubbish burn pile to the dump. And ran a mower through the middle section.

Only the back 1/3 to go. Hopefully the section will stay clean now and people will stop dumping their rubbish on it.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas photos

See our photos by clicking on the the picture below, this is Trinity playing a shepard in our nativity play - lots of fun.

I don't take lots of photos on Christmas day - I enjoy just embibbing in the moment instead of trying to capture it on film.

Great presents and dyslexia

Had a great day, interestingly enough it is the really thoughtful presents that make an impact. For example I got another set of good rechargeables for my camera, as I only have one pair. I did have two sets, but earlier in the year the oldest set died and stop holding charge. And if you have ever had a digital camera you will know how frustrating only one pair is. So this is a great present.

A present like this takes some skill in obtaining. For ones needs to keep an eye out for what the other person needs, wants and plan to purchase it in. This skill always amazes me. I don't really have it! My wonderful wife does this really well so I get off the hook as she does most of the present sourcing.

What is interesting is that a dreamer who is not always present and doesn't have a good sense of the flow of time purchasing presents can be difficult. I think this is because the ability to "pick up stuff" can be harder work. I know that it is only when I realize that I have to do something now or it will be late that I start thinking about ideas for presents. Then figure out I have no friggen clue as to what someone wants. Thus my presents are never really that good.

However I can get around this - as I some years do. I write about a month before a birthday (especially for Tiffany) that I need to sort it out that week. Thus my mind is on the alert for present ideas. And I can get something good.

Anyway just to let all you non dreamers out there understand that Christmas and present purchasing requires much higher level of planning and is stressful and hard work. And unless we work much harder than others it doesn't come together. That really is the story of our lives

Monday, December 25, 2006

Santa - a satanist or saviour?

Just posted by thoughts of Santa here

Be interested in your thoughts

Sunday, December 24, 2006

films instead of books

After spending a very enjoyable evening trolling around on youtube and finding the following movie

Then thanks to tall skinny kiwi, finding this, and being moved to tears over the story:

I have come to the conclusion that I get far more out of a good movie than words. A movie in all its richness draws something from deep within me that no other media seems to do.

Interestingly enough a good story I will also remember for years to come, but I don't get emotional about stories very much.

In conclusion why doesn't someone make the whole of the bible into like a 48 hour movie or something. The problem being that a good movie is a huge undertaking. I would buy a copy :) Other ideas include putting all education into a movie were possible. Of all the English lessons I ever had the only ones I remember and enjoyed was film critic. Loved the science films as a kid. Maybe instead of having a curriculum that was based upon words with visual pictures and movies as a back up, why not have a curriculum that was based on movies and pictures with words as a back up.

Maybe that is why some many dyslexics like arts/media/computers cause they are all heavyly visual.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

frustating no 2

So that the excellent video gets tagged (until I figure out how to tag video's) I have recorded it here. (Click for the blog)

I will try inserting this:

Maybe that will show a cool picture

Other way to post

Try out posting the photos like this:

If you click on the photo it will take you to the rest of the pictures. The other post from picasa that I blogged seemed to go missing!

Section clean up

Today off with by Bro to clean up the section we purchased. The car body has already going, as has the house who was doing a great job of cleaning up the knee high grass. However huge pile of rubbish has got to go. Today's job

Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 22, 2006


My 2nd video upload doing it right this time. Videos are great to explain things to people !

Dyslexia video

Check out this most cool dyslexia video (1st video link - does it work?)

Love the atmosphere and the emotion

Check out way cool pic's

Being a picture thinker I really enjoy this kind of stuff. Great name for a sight as this - 100 words. Cause a picture is worth over 1000 words. No wonder we dyslexic's are so fast and sharp at thinking. No slow word thinkers round here!

What tags to use

I have decided that even though I am blogging regarding Dyslexia and life as a dyslexic that I can't leave the other areas of my life out of the blog. Yes I am not being dualisic with this Blog.

Therefore what tags should I use, so people can easily find stuff (including myself!), ideas so far are:

Dyslexia - well duh!

Spirituality - as exploring this forms a big part of my life. Maybe it should be emergent church

The Black Dog - no excaping this one, did think about the fact that this is surpised to be a postive blog - yeah for Davis, then one shouldn't mention depression. However as my depression comes from my dyslexia - to a point it needs to be included.

Zestos - well I love doing this stuff, so will write about it

Family - what can I say? That I LOVE them, and are very PROUD of them all :)

Humour - what is life without a laugh

This would be good start ! I will keep you updated as to new tags as they evoluve

Now the www is the world wide wait - must be all those school kids surfing, so no nice pictures today


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Trustee - what do they do?

What does a trustee do? The most excellent dyslexia foundation are looking for a trustee

Do you think i could do that? Or do I need to be older and wrinklier? more like these people - I do have a white shirt and black jacket. But not as much grey hair. Maybe the enthusiasm of youth and my experience as a dyslexic will be the goer. And off course I am wise beyond my years - or so I am told

Dyslexia foundation

These are powered by a totally cool bunch of people - the team who is Cookie muchers charatable trust Who one day I hope to meet, and learn excellence from :)
Well I am going to try to regular blog regarding life as a dyslexic, so then if I show my character then I can uplink to their blog site - wish me luck :) Should be lots of frustation stories I will be interested to see how it turns out

Noticed that there were other members from the Waikato

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hamo on buddies

Just written on Hamo's post regarding freinds, check it out here

Saturday, December 9, 2006

going out tonight

In a small celebration of getting a plot of land and house to go in it we are going out for Indian

At a small and inexpensive place out - with my fokes - when I get a web site (and name) I will upload


Well I guess the point of a blog is that others read it !

So now to find out how to generate traffic :)

Colours done

There - made it more personal - all with my youngest bouncing on my knee. Fortuneitaly my arms are long enough that I can type and use the mouse with out her hitting the key board !

Wow that was easy


A blog in like a few minutes. I am amassed, it took me weeks to code my first web page back when the earth was cooling. Would have started blogging much earlier if I had realized how simple it is !!!
Anyway i will now spend time getting blog up to scratch with other links etc

picture no 2

Added this picture via picasa - much better :)
Posted by Picasa

Done link, now picture


That was easy - that is like life, when you finally get around to doing something you often wonder why you didn't do it quicker.

Now let us put in a picture .....

Hmm that was not a good experience, the photo I have uploaded I took at random, cause I don't change the label that my camera puts on it.

Test linking

This is my first ever blot - savor that moment, feel the newness and realise the one is getting old and is no longer cutting edge. I think maturity must be around the corner - yeah right. Anyway This is is a test to put in a link to another page.

Try seeing my web page (desperately needing updating and maintainance!)