Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas photos

See our photos by clicking on the the picture below, this is Trinity playing a shepard in our nativity play - lots of fun.

I don't take lots of photos on Christmas day - I enjoy just embibbing in the moment instead of trying to capture it on film.

Great presents and dyslexia

Had a great day, interestingly enough it is the really thoughtful presents that make an impact. For example I got another set of good rechargeables for my camera, as I only have one pair. I did have two sets, but earlier in the year the oldest set died and stop holding charge. And if you have ever had a digital camera you will know how frustrating only one pair is. So this is a great present.

A present like this takes some skill in obtaining. For ones needs to keep an eye out for what the other person needs, wants and plan to purchase it in. This skill always amazes me. I don't really have it! My wonderful wife does this really well so I get off the hook as she does most of the present sourcing.

What is interesting is that a dreamer who is not always present and doesn't have a good sense of the flow of time purchasing presents can be difficult. I think this is because the ability to "pick up stuff" can be harder work. I know that it is only when I realize that I have to do something now or it will be late that I start thinking about ideas for presents. Then figure out I have no friggen clue as to what someone wants. Thus my presents are never really that good.

However I can get around this - as I some years do. I write about a month before a birthday (especially for Tiffany) that I need to sort it out that week. Thus my mind is on the alert for present ideas. And I can get something good.

Anyway just to let all you non dreamers out there understand that Christmas and present purchasing requires much higher level of planning and is stressful and hard work. And unless we work much harder than others it doesn't come together. That really is the story of our lives

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