Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Book permission adventure

As you know that I am writing a book and seeking permission to publish illustrations in my book. As they are nearly all very old tracking down the owner of the copyright is a interesting and challenging adventure. Nearly all the book authors are dead and most of the publishing houses have changed hands multiple times. Very greatful for the internet and nearly every history and business change in out there.

Managed to track a book through multiple publishing sales to find that the good people at Whitcoulls have given me the permission. Good people.

Anyway another book by Karl Schutte (the U should have the '' above them) who wrote in 1964 The Biology of the Trace Elements. Anyway the publishing house after multiple changes stopped trading in 1993. Karl has passed away. What to do? I found out via the book that he worked for the department of Biology at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. So I emailed them, they were great a wonderful lady called Sandy tracked down the surviving family, who happened to be his widow! Anyway called up the Mrs Schutte on evening while it was early morning in South Africa. She was a delight to talk to, Sandy had prepped her, and she was excited that I would call about her late husband and the work that he had done. It would have been neat to get a phone call out of the blue basically saying that the work that your husband poured his life into 50 years ago was still relevant and very useful. Think I made her day, which of course made mine.

BTW : You can purchase a copy here if you want (notice it is worth 28 pound!)

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