Tuesday, January 30, 2007

2 good points from a bad moive

Watch the movie code46 A complete waste of time, the summary below sums it up:

"The plot is almost secondary for such a great deal of the film and you can't really get a feel for what it is actually about until very close to the end, and that is what made it so refreshing for me. It was more about the feel of the places, the emotions of the two characters (Robbins and Morton) and their developing relationship. You really don't know much about this futuristic society that people are now living in, or why it came to be like that."

Well NOT my type of movie, slow, bad ending, no information etc etc etc. What a waste of time !

So take my advice - don't watch it. There were two quotes that are interesting as I look for the silver lining of a lost night!

1) Talking about his kid "He's a real character." "They all are.... I wonder where all the boring adults come from" she replied. Makes you think, we all start off as kids that are real characters - yet tend to turn up as boring adults. Should do something today that shows my real character.

2) "If you knew what your actions would eventually lead to would you do it?" This is an interesting question. We only have very limited understanding of the consequence of our actions. If we could see clearly what the ultimate consequences of our actions I bet you we would do things differently. We would probably stop doing some things that we think are good, and start doing some things that we are to afraid of doing.

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