Saturday, January 6, 2007

Bricks in their head (regarding dyslexia)

Some people must have bricks in their head regarding dyslexia.

My mum works at a fairly exclusive private school (read lots of $$$ to send you child their). Anyway she was relating a story that she was privy to regarding a particular conversation. This student had been sent to this school as they were having some educational issues. Well apparently after a short time (a term or two) the parent got upset because the private school had not fixed their child's dyslexia.

Good logic - child has dyslexia, so send child to school with good ____ you fill in the blank with what ever magic wand you want. A school with good teacher to child ratio, a school with lots of IT, A school with lots tutors. WHATEVER like that makes any difference to dyslexia. Yes a good school can help a child get through without being labeled "thick" and assigned to the dredges of society but "fix" dyslexia, I don't think so. Dyslexia is product of different thinking, its hardwired in. Further more it is a gift and a curse. It has both sides of the coin. It really makes me mad that parents expect there dyslexic children to be "fixed" like they had some kind of disease.

Yeah OK - I am aware of Davis method and the most excellent cookie time trust. So yes dyslexia can be corrected with the gift remaining. But it is not some kind of disease to be cleansed from my soul.

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