Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Under pressure

Interesting observation -

Last night I took a phone call, however my youngest was trying to ride here trike down up the steps with much noise, complaining, grunting and cuffule. I was totally overwhelmed and as a result agreed to a non optimal outcome just to get the person of the phone, to reduce the pressure. The poor lady on the other end must have been put a bit off - it was the first time we had talked, and I hope the relationship will be beneficial for both of us.

It is interesting that I can't hold a real conversation (one that requires thought or effort) with music in the background. And I and overwhelmed if I try and have a serious conversation with loud noises. No wonder I hate going to crowded places (plus I hate people in my personal space).
I took some Internet test once - the hight of truth NOT - well I came high on introvert scale. I think that this is not true, I just hate pressure, noise and people in my space. This makes for a very sedate social life.

Application : I must pause and correct noise or stresses before I try and hold a discussion. Need to practice saying "just a minute I need to get away from distractions" or something.

I think this is all to do with pressure causing disorientations.

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